<% Per le province: In inc_profile.asp trova if strState = "1" then Response.Write " " & vbNewLine & _ " " & fLang(strLangInc_Profile00380) & " " & vbNewLine & _ " " & vbNewLine & _ " " & vbNewLine if strMode <> "Register" then Response.Write(" " & vbNewLine) else ' Response.Write " " & vbNewLine end if Response.Write " " & vbNewLine select case fLang(strLangInc_Profile00400) case "Ingen" %><% case "None" %><% case "Ninguno" %><% case "Aucun" %><% case "Nessuno" %><% case "Ingen" %><% case "Ninguém" %><% case "Inga" %><% case else Response.Write "" end select Response.Write " " & vbNewLine & _ " " & vbNewLine end if In membersearch.asp trova dove c'è " & vbNewLine & _ " " & vbNewLine select case fLang(strLangMembersearch00160) case "Hvilken som helst Stat (Amt/Provins)" %><% case "Any State" %><% case "Cualquier Estado" %><% case "Toutes régions" %><% case "Qualsiasi Provincia" %><% case "Hvilken som helst Stat (Fylke)" %><% case "Qualquer Estado" %><% case "Vilket län som helst" %><% case else Response.Write "" end select se vuoi mettere la regione sostituisci i riferimenti linguistici e crea un file asp regioni come quello province. Per la data: ho usato il codice di Davio: OK, looked like I've deleted the forum where I had made the modifications, so I had to do it again - sorry for the delay. Here are the instructions: inc_profile.asp Find the following code (approx. lines 352-360): if strAgeDOB = "1" then Response.Write " " & vbNewLine Response.Write " " & vbNewLine & _ " Birth Date: " & vbNewLine & _ " "Register" then Response.Write(trim(ChkString(rs("M_DOB"), "display"))) Response.Write """>" & getCurrentIcon(strIconCalendar,"Choose Date","align=""absmiddle""") & "" & vbNewLine & _ " " & vbNewLine end if and replace it with the following code: if strAgeDOB = "1" then strDOByear = "" strDOBmonth = "" strDOBday = "" If strMode <> "Register" then strMDOB = trim(ChkString(rs("M_DOB"), "display")) If strMDOB <> "" Then strDOByear = Mid(strMDOB,1,4) strDOBmonth = Mid(strMDOB,5,2) strDOBday = Mid(strMDOB,7,2) End If End If Response.Write " " & vbNewLine & _ " Birth Date: " & vbNewLine & _ " " Response.Write " " & vbNewLine & _ " " & vbNewLine & _ " " & vbNewLine & _ " " & vbNewLine end if register.asp Find the following code (approx. lines 532-536): if strAgeDOB = "1" then strSql = strsql & ", '" & ChkString(Request.Form("AgeDOB"),"SQLString") & "'" else strSql = strsql & ", ''" end if and replace it with the following code: if strAgeDOB = "1" then strMDOB = ChkString(Request.Form("DOByear"),"SQLString") & ChkString(Request.Form("DOBmonth"),"SQLString") & ChkString(Request.Form("DOBday"),"SQLString") strSql = strsql & ", '" & strMDOB & "'" else strSql = strsql & ", ''" end if pop_profile.asp Find the following code (approx. lines 1216-1218): if strAgeDOB = "1" then strSql = strsql & ", M_DOB = '" & ChkString(Request.Form("AgeDOB"),"SQLString") & "'" end if and replace it with the following code: if strAgeDOB = "1" then strMDOB = ChkString(Request.Form("DOByear"),"SQLString") & ChkString(Request.Form("DOBmonth"),"SQLString") & ChkString(Request.Form("DOBday"),"SQLString") strSql = strsql & ", M_DOB = '" & strMDOB & "'" end if find the following code (approx. lines 1517-1519): if strAgeDOB = "1" then strSql = strsql & ", M_DOB = '" & ChkString(Request.Form("AgeDOB"),"SQLString") & "'" end if and replace it with the following code: if strAgeDOB = "1" then strMDOB = ChkString(Request.Form("DOByear"),"SQLString") & ChkString(Request.Form("DOBmonth"),"SQLString") & ChkString(Request.Form("DOBday"),"SQLString") strSql = strsql & ", M_DOB = '" & strMDOB & "'" end if I will also add it to my Snitzy Code Snippets collection.