I have had some emails about postoperative pain, expecially from amerivcan people and english people. How this condition affects you? Tell us your story!
31,94 KB I just went thru Umbilical Hernia surgery 5 days ago. After 3 days the need for the Vicadin was less and i went to using tylenol instead. the side effects of the vicadin were not to bad just some dizzyness and a lil Naseua. I took off the dressing on day two and noticed there jad been a lil leakage but very minimal. after 5 days I am experiencing some pain in the general area of the incision radiating out about two inches, I believe this is from the mesh sutures internal. I am still experiencing some bloating feeling after meals but it goes away after awhile. On the second day I had severe painful bloating, but I was able to lessen it with maalox. I have had a lil cloudyness in my Urine which could be a Urine tract infection, Not related to the surgery I hope. I will call my surgeon on monday and in the meantime drink cranberry Juice and water . Suggestion tell patients to drink lots of water and eat very soft or liquidy foods after surgery. With some prune Juice to help regularity.[/b]
Very intresting the pain you feel and the digestive disorders. The pain is frequent and variable from patient to patient, and generally in an umbilical hernia it is well controlled by medicines. Urinary disease isn't quite related, but it is possible a reduction of drink and a concentration of urine could favourite its raise. Your wound seems well in the picture, at what time from operation it is? It is 5 days? Very good aspect. THe leakage isn't important, it heals in few time generally.
Thanks for your experience, it is very useful for us and for other people in the same situation. (Situations are often very similar, because surgery is very similar and disease is very similar, we learn for the other's experience.)