Lo studio di seguito indica che nei paesi piu sviluppati si arriva MEDIAMENTE al 55% di interventi di ernia eseguiti in laparoscopia. In Germania, addirittura il 64% degli interventi di ernia viene eseguito in laparoscopia, TAPP o TEP che sia. Qui negli ospedali italiani invece ancora stiamo ad ascoltare certi medici che dicono che la laparoscopia "non si può fare".
Laparo-endoscopic surgery use varies from zero to a maximum of approximately 55% in some high-resource countries.
The average use in high-resource countries is largely unknown except for some examples like Australia (55%),9 Switzerland (40%),10 the Netherlands (45%) and Sweden (28%).8 Sweden has a national registry with complete coverage. Interesting are the following percentages for the year 2015: Lichtenstein 64%, TEP 25%, TAPP 3%, open pre-peritoneal mesh 3.3%, combined open and pre-peritoneal 2.7% and tissue repair in 0.8%.
The German Herniamed registry which contains data on about 200,000 patients (not complete national coverage, so possibly biased) contains interesting information confirming that a wide variety of techniques are in use. The percentages over the period 2009–2016 were: TAPP 39%, TEP 25%, Lichtenstein 24%, Plug 3%, Shouldice 2.6%, Gilbert PHS 2.5% and Bassini 0.2%. Other reliable data from Asia and America are lacking and often outdated once published.