ciao doct allora stro provando ad inserire la query per Qui c'é nel file forum.asp , nel topic .asp e ok ! ma qui non risco a metterlo . il codice e il seguente .
'####### chi c'è online #################
showem=1 If showem=1 Then qs="FORUM_ID="&Forum_ID
strSql = "SELECT COUNT(AU_IP) AS CNT FROM " & strTablePrefix & "ACTIVE_USERS WHERE MEMBER_ID = 0 AND AU_lastpage = 'forum.asp' AND AU_QUERYSTRING LIKE '%"&qs&"%'" set rs = my_conn.execute (strSql) tng = rs("CNT") rs.close set rs = nothing
strSql = "SELECT COUNT(AU_IP) AS CNT FROM " & strTablePrefix & "ACTIVE_USERS WHERE MEMBER_ID > 0 AND AU_lastpage = 'forum.asp' AND AU_QUERYSTRING LIKE '%"&qs&"%'" set rs = my_conn.execute (strSql) tnu = rs("CNT") rs.close set rs = nothing
Do Until trs.EOF nomeutente = trs("M_NAME") if strUseExtendedProfile then response.write "<a href=""pop_profile.asp?mode=display&id="& trs("MEMBER_ID") & """>" else response.write "<a href=""JavaScript:openWindow2('pop_profile.asp?mode=display&id=" & trs("MEMBER_ID") & "')"">" end if 'if trs("M_LEVEL") = 2 then 'If admin or mod, then lets hilight em. ' response.write "<b><font color=""" & strAUModColor & """>" 'elseif trs("M_LEVEL") = 3 then ' response.write "<b><font color=""" & strAUAdminColor & """>" 'end if Response.write "<span class=""spnMessageText"">" & profileLink(ChkString(nomeutente,"display"),getmemberid(nomeutente)) & "</span>" ' response.write trs("M_NAME") if trs("M_LEVEL") = 2 or trs("M_LEVEL") = 3 then response.write "</font></b>" end if response.write "</a><font face=""" & strDefaultFontFace & """ size=""" & strFooterFontSize & """>" x=x+1 If tng=0 Then If x<(tnu-1) Then Response.Write " | " If x=(tnu-1) Then Response.Write " e " Else If x<tnu Then Response.Write " | " End If
trs.MoveNext Loop
If tng>0 Then If tnu=0 Then Response.Write tng&" Guest" If tng>1 Then Response.Write "s" Response.write "." Else Response.Write " and "&tng&" Guest" If tng>1 Then Response.Write "s" Response.write "." End If
End If Response.write "</font>" & vbNewLine
trs.close set trs = nothing End If
'############### chi c'è online #####################
e io dovrei metterlo sotto circa a sto pezzo di codice .
A me invece o lo visualizza a sinistra della scritta del titolo del topic (nella struttura ad albero) oppure a destra. Non riesco nemmeno io farlo andare sotto.